How to be good enough

I’ve been getting back into the swing of writing recently. I’ve got two posts queued up for you — and it’s been years since I last queued up a post! So it’s great!

One of my biggest mistakes was to stop writing articles in advance. Instead, I tried to write an article on the same week I wanted to publish… I did that because my writing and publishing process felt dry when I wrote newsletters in advance. It felt like I was talking to a machine instead of a human... and I hated that.

This created a huge amount of stress in the week. (There are other reasons that derailed me from writing, but I won’t go into them now).

The great news is I’m noticing that I’m beginning to build up rhythm and momentum, and I have a sense I’m able to write again — and better, this time.

(What caused the change? Short answer: Coaching helped me unlock perspectives I didn’t see and know before. And this shift allows me to stop fighting myself and start working together, internally, for the aspects related to producing this work. I might share more another day. Or, if you’re interested, just message me and ask).

I think I’m beginning to find a better ground now. And I’m excited about the future I’m creating.

Two articles this week:

How to be good enough

This is a ridiculously short (and good) article that comprises only of two sentences.

It’s the essence of the first step.

I might follow up with a second step in the future, or I might not. I don’t really know yet.

Svelte Conditional Slots

Continuing with the recent Svelte articles I’ve released: I noticed that it’s impossible to use conditional slots in Svelte 4 and we should wait for it anymore. Here’s why.

This one has been sitting in my drafts forever too. It’s time for me to release it before I show you other things I’m working on :)

That’s it for the week!

If you’re new around here, I hope you’re liking the vibe I’m creating in these newsletters.

If you’ve been around for a while, I hope you love the change in vibe (and my return after a pretty long period of absence).

I’d love to hear how you are doing.

Talk to you again next week.

Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

Read more from Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

I hope you’ve been well. I just returned from a trip to Legoland to celebrate my daughter’s birthday and I’m in somewhat of a panic for having insufficient days to “do work” 😱😅. (I expected I’d have fewer days to work, but wrestling with that fact can still be challenging because of the deadlines I’ve set before). Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out. Two articles today, as usual :) Best Practice for Astro Endpoints This is a quick article on Astro endpoints. Basically, don’t prerender. Stress for...

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