Using Stripe with Astro

Have you thought about using Stripe but have no idea how to begin? Good news — I have just released a step-by-step article on Stripe + Astro.

This will help you:

  1. Create a Stripe Checkout Form on your site.
  2. Learn to use Astro features like Server-Side Rendering, Astro.url, Environment variables, and many other Astro Essentials.

Here’s the link.

Read this article if you’re thinking about selling something, building a Sass, or if you want to gain more expertise on Astro.

I’m pretty sure you’ll love the instructions and detail I’ve put into it. 🙂

Magical Dev School + Astro Recipes

I’ve been thinking about how to best teach Astro, Svelte, and other topics (even advanced CSS) for a very long time.

Recently, I came to realize that the best way I can teach these topics is probably to write “recipes” instead of explaining basic "How Tos" (which anyone can do).

I’ve wrote a bit more about the concept of recipes and why I’m writing them for Magical Dev School going forward. I hope you enjoy reading about them and you're excited to hear from me on these recipes.

(The Stripe + Astro article is an example of a recipe).

Lastly, I wish you a great week ahead.

Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

Read more from Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

I hope you’ve been well. I just returned from a trip to Legoland to celebrate my daughter’s birthday and I’m in somewhat of a panic for having insufficient days to “do work” 😱😅. (I expected I’d have fewer days to work, but wrestling with that fact can still be challenging because of the deadlines I’ve set before). Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out. Two articles today, as usual :) Best Practice for Astro Endpoints This is a quick article on Astro endpoints. Basically, don’t prerender. Stress for...

I’ve been getting back into the swing of writing recently. I’ve got two posts queued up for you — and it’s been years since I last queued up a post! So it’s great! One of my biggest mistakes was to stop writing articles in advance. Instead, I tried to write an article on the same week I wanted to publish… I did that because my writing and publishing process felt dry when I wrote newsletters in advance. It felt like I was talking to a machine instead of a human... and I hated that. This...

How is it going? I hope you have been well this week, that you are making good progress in the directions you wish to be making, and that you’re resolving the obstacles that come, one at a time. You know, I find it incredibly funny to write these newsletters now. There was a period of time when I was like a random-internet-stranger who was hell-bent on giving (dumping, actually) information onto you, hoping that you would buy something from me. But today, I feel like a pen pal (or even a...