What Splendid Labz is really about

Thank you for many of your well wishes regarding the state my family has been in. The good news is: I think we’re going onto a brighter future. Though that remains to be seen.

Originally, I wanted to highlight a few things today. But it turns out that I should only talk about one.


What Splendid Labz is really about

We are all at war here.

I’m talking about the battles we face every day as web developers. The battle you fight when you sit down to work. That one.

Splendid Labz is basically my war chest. It’s the arsenal of weapons I have created to help me fight this war.

  • There is no space for sloppy code. Because sloppy code always comes back to bite you — when you can least handle them.
  • There is no space for messy code. For messiness takes away the precious mental energy you need to make progress.
  • There is no space for distractions. Because once your mind goes deep into technical details, it’s common to forget what you were trying to do in the first place.

So Splendid Labz is my attempt at solving all these problems I have.

  • I want to make things fast
  • I want to make beautiful things
  • I want great code quality
  • I want to use simple tools
  • I wanna have great UI and UX
  • I want tools to simplify code, not complexify code.
  • I don’t want to waste my time
  • I don’t want to forget what I was trying to do. I want to know what I am doing.
  • I don’t want to fight my tools. I want my tools to support me.
  • I want my system to speed me up, not slow me down.
  • I want to find fun and joy when I code again, not feel the angst of messy entrails lying all around my work place.

Ultimately, I want to build apps. But there are no tools that allow one to build apps quickly.

There are component libraries, yes. But component libraries are often too basic — not enough to provide me with what I need — and when they aren’t basic, they’re damn bloody complex, so much that they turn me off…

Ultimately, I want tools that can help me build apps, not hinder me; not get me there halfway, but make me crawl the rest of the way.

I want a car I can drive to my destination, not one that breaks down in the middle of the road.

I want to bring machine guns and grenades into the battlefield, not try to assemble them while bullets are already flying over my head.

That’s what Splendid Labz is in a nutshell.

It is a formidable set of weapons that help me fight — and win — the wars that I am fighting now and will be fighting tomorrow.

While we can enjoy the craft of coding, we must not forget that there’s a war going on — one with our very dear lives on the line — and we must not avert our eyes from it.

Splendid Labz is my battle companion that will grow, and grow, and destroy any foes who dare to challenge my mission.

That’s what it’s really about.

Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

Read more from Hi! My name is Zell and here are the things I’ve made

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